Silence, is the loudest kind of noise
The worst of lies
The hardest of truths
What you gonna do when they come for you
Rest assured they will
Even if insured you’re still
Hunted by those who kill
Just for the thrill
Until they have managed to distill your beauty
And instill their hatred
Don’t underestimate these motherfuckers
Their like vampires
They’ll sneak up on you
Colonize, revolutionize, demonize
Oppress, suppress, depress, regress
Confuse, then refuse you
Shove wasabi up your nostrils
Smear your screams of agony on their skin
Like crackers and Bovril
Stick their fingers so far up your ass…poke and prod of
Fuck you 5 ways to Sunday
Tell you someday, you’ll understand
Someway, you’ll leave this land
This swordplay is their forte
If they don’t know it…they must kill it
Cause God forbid we embrace they beauty of the unknown
So they need to hate you
Because for as long as they despise you
They don’t have to look themselves in the mirror
So it’s easier to pull the trigger on you
Silence is the loudest kind of noise
The voices of silence speak volumes
Like Subwoofers booming
What you gonna do when they come for you
And they will
Cause like vampires they need to kill
And contrary to popular curricular
There is no honour amongst thieves
I need you to believe this
That yes ignorance is bliss
But only until it’s you they want to kill
When their ignorance
Turns into indifference
About you…and your silence turns on you
It’s awfully cruel
See we live in a world of hate
Filled with distaste
Innately arcane
Like a rapist and a rape victim in an arcade
And you never know who will be next on society’s hit list
Yesterday it was the “blacks”
Cause they lacked the superior white wax
Day before that it was HIV/AIDS
Where we went to war not with the disease
But with its victims
Turned them into criminals
Day before that we roared against homosexuality
And homosexuals became the enemy
Before that we warred for religion
Where freedom of choice excluded religious voice
Before that we turned our backs to the woman of this world
Treated those that give life…as worthless
Before that we locked up albinos
Before that we ignored disabled peoples
And now we put rape victims on trial
Like they are the ones who committed the crime
Make them do the time
Can you not see that it is in our silence
That people are killed over religious tensions
In our silence that woman can’t find the peace that comes with equality
In our silence the disabled are denied opportunities
In our silence HIV becomes AIDS
Albinos are killed like animals
In our silence
The LBGT community remains ostracized
Separately identified from society
And “blacks” still have not been given the right kind
Of truth, reconciliation or commission
The kind that comes with economic emancipation
Not just political democratization
Through our silence liberation
Is now an ideology
An abstract idea like theology
See there’s a pattern, someone on the offense
Another on the defense
They attack
The others retract
Because we can’t stomach the fact that it is our differences that keep us alive
Keep the world turning
The sun rising
The moon setting
It seems like every season
For some or other reason
We find a new minority
To inflict our patriotic, self righteous, hypocritical treason…upon
And so up on that classist neighbourhood
Where your trust fund blinds you from the truth
So if the world is 1 country
And globalization is the God you believe in
Then we are living in a constant state of civil war, genocide, famine,
Crimes against humanity
And crimes against our sanity
In your elitist mindset
You miss the content
Of this earth
So focused on the context of the world you live in
Not bothering about the people struggling
I am perplexed at how complex
You think this universe is
If you read the text
Study the subtext
And pay attention to the pretext
As convex as it appears to be
You could be next on histories societies’ hit list
So who is next…clearly history is not fixed
These social catalysts
Might just decide that your life is worthless
That your lifestyle is not worth existence
And there will be no resistance
Cause in your silence this shit happens
These unspeakable crimes
Unapproachable lines
These dishonest lies
Disrespected thighs
Unheard cries
Limited skies
And so the victim dies
Deprived of justice
Baptized by injustice
So who is next, in this world that so clearly thrives on death
Are the communists going to kill off the capitalists
Then capitalize on their death…their lack of existence
So if you are a passive capitalist you better go on the defensive
If you are an aggressive capitalist you better go the offensive…kill them first
Either way, one way or another
You might be next
Are the people with good hair going to start killing off those with bad hair
Cause bad hair is a sign of some new incurable disease
Who is next…you might be next
Are tall people going to start walking all over short people
Literally stomping them to death
Or are short people going to hit from the bottom
Underdog style….upper cuts on the high
Until tall, tallists, tallism, long, longists, longism, longitude
No longer exist
Who is next…you might be next
Are single people going to kill the married people…or vice versa
Hell, is versa going to kill vice
So it no longer is vice versa but versa vice!
We are a society that thrives on death
Wants to kill cause if not you will be killed
Wants to eat cause if not you will be eaten
We raise our kids on this shit
“kill or be killed”
“eat or be eaten”
We raise kids that become teens who believe this shit
Adults who practice this shit
And leaders who make laws of this shit
And it’s in our silence
That those who don’t want to kill are killed
Those that don’t want to eat are eaten
Through our silence
And lack of action
Evil triumphs
Revolutions are dying
Creationists and evolutionist are lying
No one is realizing that this world will come to an end incomplete
Like you favourite series discontinued in the middle of the season
This world will end without reason
And we will stand liable to our treason
In our silence all of this happens
So I challenge you to raise your voices, noises
Pens, pencils, papers, books, e-mails, fingers, hands, arms,
Walk, run, swim, crawl, speak, bleed, breath, beat, read,
Wave, jump, scream, shout,
Put up banners, strike, march, write,
Employ the jobless, feed the hungry
House the homeless, give money to the poor
Heal the sick, give sight to the blind,
Sound to the deaf, life to the dead
Hope to the hopeless
Effect change, innovate, invent, revolutionize,
Raise the mirror up to society, raise the bar of society
Stop the killings, let children play
Pray, speak to God,
Do any and every something in your power…raise revolutions
Stand taller and stronger than the twin towers
Refuse to me demolished like the twin towers
Find that cause that is worth giving all for
Worth laying your life and dying for
Once you have found it, separately identified it
Do all in your power to live for it
So you can fight for it
Remain silent no more
Cause one day you will wake up in the morning
Open the door only to find that your worst nightmare has come true
This time they have come for you