Passion is the currency of the living
Meaning the living are trading in passion
Not dollars, Euros, pounds, rands or bands
That make 16 year old strippers dance
I said Passion is the currency of the living
So what is your passion
What currency are you living in
What land are you standing in
What sand are you digging in
What castles are you building
What knowledge are you giving
And to whose children
What makes you feel alive in the morning
What makes you smile at the suns dawning
What values are you pawning
Let this be a warning
That we can’t forever be mourning the memories of days gone past
I said Passion is the currency of the living
So you are either living or dying
If you’re dying you better start rioting
If you’re rioting, you better start writing
And if you’re writing your words better start rising
Like corpses from the grave
Off your blood stained page
Into the air that we breathe
Like an air-born disease
So the hopeless can breathe it
Maybe then they will start to believe it
In this revolution that for so long
Was all mouth but no talk
All clout but no walk
All service but no delivery
All noise but no voice
All ears but never hears
That Passion is the currency of the living
Which leads me to believe that this revolution
Should be passion filled
And not loophole riddled
Those that trade in passion must start a movement
That will force in a revolution
Majestic on paper but
Realistic in nature
A revolution
Ideological in pretext but
Biological in context
In laymen’s terms
A revolutionary movement
That will be an evolutionary testament that
Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X,
Jessie Jackson, Ida B. Wells, Rosa Parks, Lillian Ngoyi,
Robert Sobukwe, Steve Biko, Govan Mbeki, Oliver Tambo,
Walter Sisulu, Mariam Makeba, Mamphela Ramphele,
Charlotte Maxeke, Albertina Sisulu, Victoria Mxenge,
Amy Biehl and Mary Malahlela
Can be proud of
A revolution that will rest their souls in peace
And put their hearts at ease
For our mothers and fathers
Aunts and uncles
Ancestors and predecessors
Have given birth to a nation
Fornicated a new generation
That will redefine freedom
Better define equality
Dissolve poverty
And resolve unemployment
Passion is the currency of the living
What is your passion
What’s your dream revolution
What do you want to invest in
What land are you standing in
What quicksand are you drowning in
What currency do you trade in
What passion are you bartering
Whose bread are you buttering
Whose evolution do you believe in
And what creation are you worshipping
So I ask what is your passion
your plan for this revolution
We need to answer these questions
So we can be a youth that has learnt its lessons
And paid its attentions
A youth that draws its power from passion, purpose and direction
Bringing a wave of new age change
So let’s replace the word power with passion
And no longer say “power to the people”, but rather say
“passion to people” “passion by the people”
“passion for the people”
Because passion is the currency of the living